Review : Choon Guan Coffee Shop @ Port Klang

I've never ventured to Klang before because : 1) I always thought it was super far (assumption definitely affirmed. It took me 1 and half hours to reach there), and 2) I am not a fan of bak kut teh. But I recently had the opportunity to do some food hunting when I had to attend a meeting in the area. It took me a while to find this place when I was Googling "what to eat in Klang" as 90% of the results were either Bak Kut Teh or seafood or some other unappealing option. Out of all the results, only this one appealed to us and off we went! Do take take note this location is very very far away from KL city centre and was almost like driving to a different country. We joked we would need our passports the next time we return. The coffee shop is just oozing with tradition and was clean, bright, and airy. Even though it was a very hot day but there were ample fans around with a proper sturdy metal roof above which meant one wouldn't feel the need to eat quickl...